This weekend was a blast! On Friday night we went with Brian's family to see the lights at Temple Square. We decided to ride
trax down from the stadium to avoid having to park downtown. The train was arriving the same time we did so Brian talked everyone, including his Grandma, into not buying a ticket and just hopping on (they never check tickets he said)...well halfway down the track we look up and see a cop coming through writing people tickets for hopping the train. We hurried off the train at the next stop and bought a ticket before getting back on...close call. We made it down and had a great time.

Saturday was game day!! We went to the Utah vs
byu game. It was freezing cold, but we stuck it out to the end, and were payed off with an awesome field goal block for Utah to win the game.

Brian, his Dad Garry, and Jenn at the game
We knew it!!
That night we topped off the night with some of Brian's family to see the
Rockettes Christmas Show.