Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Lauren.....

Yesterday was Lauren's 25th birthday! The girls and their hubby's and baby cooper all got together to celebrate! The night was not same without Megs (feel better soon)!

Christmas 2008....

This year, it was our year to stay in Utah for Christmas with Brian's family. We usually go up to their family's cabin, and this year was no different. This year it was us, Brian's mom and dad, and his brothers, Eric and Riley. His sisters live out of state and couldn't come in this year. We got up there to a couple feet of brand new snow, so much in fact that we had to shovel a path from the snow mobile trail to the cabin. On Christmas eve it started snowing around 8 o'clock and didn't stop until the morning after Christmas. On Christmas morning, Riley was so excited that he texted Jenn from the next room at exactly 7 am to see if she was up and wanted to open presents....she was! We got lots of great stuff this year, but more importantly we had a great time together for the holiday. Plus its always nice to get snow on Christmas. We got so much snow in fact that we had to dig our car out of the parking lot. Unfortunately once we dug it out, it was stuck and after 2 hours of getting more and more stuck a nice family and their snow cat pulled us out to the road. So now, Christmas is over, now we just have New Years and then back to school and our "real" lives.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Brooke is in town....

Well it's Christmas time again, and with that it means that people come in for the Holidays...mainly one of Brian's best friends, Brooke. She is too cool for SLC now, so she's freezing out in Buffalo these days. Him, Her, Blake and Eric all got together for lunch to catch up on old times. Good to see ya Brooke come in more often!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Pictures....

So in addition to Thanksgiving, and hiking, and shopping, we also took family pictures while we were in Phoenix. It's been the first one since Jenn was in high school...before Alex, Brian, and the house full of kids. We got the pictures back the next day and quickly realized that the four little kids are way more photogenic than the adults. Here are some pictures of the event (don't worry Linda we wont put up the one's of the whole family so you can look).

Camelback Hike....

Now that the cold weather and snow has hit the mountains in Utah, Brian hasn't really been able to hike in a while so...The day after Thanksgiving Brian and Jenn's brother Eric decided to avoid the shopping festivities and go on a hike. They chose to hike Camelback Mountain, it's a 1 1/2 mile straight up hike on a mountain right in the middle of the city. They had awesome weather and were able to make it up to the top for miles and miles of picturesque Phoenix views. It was also a great opportunity for Brian to try out his new trail shoes he got for his birthday, (he had thought they would sit in the closet till spring), and they worked out amazingly! The trails were so steep at points that there were rails on the trail that you had to use to pull yourself up at times. They had such a great time that they are already planning hikes for the next time Brian is in town.

Thanksgiving in Phoenix

Well it's that time of year again, the holidays. We've got a system where we trade off on holidays between the Harts and the Larsens, and this year it is Thanksgiving in Phoenix. With gas being so cheap we decided to load up the jeep and drive this time. Not only do Jenn's parents live there, but so does the rest of her family, so we get to see them also! And new to this year is Krista and Alex's new baby, Kyler, which Brian met for the first time. We had dinner at Krista and Alex's house. After stuffing us the way we can only imagine the Pilgrims and Indians did we spent the rest of the day watching football and playing with the kids.