So this past week was pretty busy, in addition to school we had a lot of other things going on. On Tuesday Brian learned an important life lesson, that an anatomy lab test is more important than being blown up. To sum it up, there was a huge gas line break on the U campus which led to the total evacuation of the school....except for the anatomy lab. His teacher decided that since the lab was in the basement that they would be fine. When he walked out of the building his class was the only left on campus. Don't worry though, he didn't blow up. Wednesday was Jenny Q's birthday, so we met the Quacks and Barkers for dinner. Happy B-day Jenny, ya old lady!

Friday night, after a week of being burned out from schoolwork, it was time to burn off some steam with hours and hours of Rockband with the Kennedys and Fentons. Turns out that we are about two more nights of practice away from starting a real band to rival the likes of Pearl Jam and AC/DC.

Saturday we went to the Mt Timponogus temple where Brian's little brother Riley went for the first time. He's getting himself ready to take off for his mission in 6 weeks. Congrats Riley, and good luck with it all!

And last but not least....this has been bugging me (Brian) for months now. I usually ignore most political statements that come in sticker form....but here it goes. I get it, some people dont think that socialism of any kind is a good idea, but should those people be living in government subsidized housing? I dont think so. There is a car in our lot that has a sticker in the window that drives me mad (see below). Not only is it parked in a socialist parking lot, which you can see I'm not making up due to the parking pass below it, but it is across the street from our socialist fire station, which is next door to the socialist post office, around the corner from our socialist police station..and the list goes on and on and on. I know it's dumb, but still kind of annoys me. Unless this person is fighting their own crimes, putting out their own fires, putting their kids in private school, and owning their own home they should re-think their stickers.