Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gas Leaks, RockBand, Temples and so much more.....

So this past week was pretty busy, in addition to school we had a lot of other things going on. On Tuesday Brian learned an important life lesson, that an anatomy lab test is more important than being blown up. To sum it up, there was a huge gas line break on the U campus which led to the total evacuation of the school....except for the anatomy lab. His teacher decided that since the lab was in the basement that they would be fine. When he walked out of the building his class was the only left on campus. Don't worry though, he didn't blow up. Wednesday was Jenny Q's birthday, so we met the Quacks and Barkers for dinner. Happy B-day Jenny, ya old lady!

Friday night, after a week of being burned out from schoolwork, it was time to burn off some steam with hours and hours of Rockband with the Kennedys and Fentons. Turns out that we are about two more nights of practice away from starting a real band to rival the likes of Pearl Jam and AC/DC.
Saturday we went to the Mt Timponogus temple where Brian's little brother Riley went for the first time. He's getting himself ready to take off for his mission in 6 weeks. Congrats Riley, and good luck with it all!

And last but not least....this has been bugging me (Brian) for months now. I usually ignore most political statements that come in sticker form....but here it goes. I get it, some people dont think that socialism of any kind is a good idea, but should those people be living in government subsidized housing? I dont think so. There is a car in our lot that has a sticker in the window that drives me mad (see below). Not only is it parked in a socialist parking lot, which you can see I'm not making up due to the parking pass below it, but it is across the street from our socialist fire station, which is next door to the socialist post office, around the corner from our socialist police station..and the list goes on and on and on. I know it's dumb, but still kind of annoys me. Unless this person is fighting their own crimes, putting out their own fires, putting their kids in private school, and owning their own home they should re-think their stickers.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This last week was spring break from school, so Brian and I decided to take one last trip to Arizona to visit the family before the semester ends and we head back to Alaska. We decided to drive the 11hour trip. It was spent mostly singing at the top of our lungs, I would sing the girl parts while Brian sang the boy parts. Now if your not too familiar with some of Brian's many talents......singing is one of them and the best part was, if I didn't know the words to my part, he would simply say, "don't worry, I got this one for you". Once we arrived at our Parents house, we were formally introduced to the new addition to the famliy, Harley! Eric's new puppy! She is a pug and only 6 weeks old, and run's that house hold. I have never seen a puppy be treated more like a baby......we LOVE her! The neices and nephews are so big now! We had a great time going to the zoo, movies and eating as much junk food as possible. Brian's favortie part of the trip (besides swimming and laying out in the 90 degree weather) was the spring trainning games. We were able to see the Mariners and the Padres play. We had such a great time, especially because the Mariners (Brian's Team) Won at the last second! I guess this will be the last time we see the sun till August!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our favorite hunchback comedian...

Friday night our favorite local comedian was doing a show out at Wiseguys in West Valley. Not only is he a comedian, but he is also a hunchback!! He is hilarious!! Most people haven't seen or heard of this guy but he's been on HBO, so I guess he's pretty famous. Either way we think he's great. Here's a video of some of his jokes, it's kinda long, but totally worth it!! Enjoy....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Another week with my first aid class....

Well, I had another amazing week with my third grade first aid class! If you read last weeks post you know what a riot it is. This week we talked about rescue breathing, which involved dummies to practice on. Now if you've ever taken a CPR class you've probably used one of these, you know "Annie" head, torso and that's it right....well with the child practice dummy, it's anatomically correct. And by anatomically correct I mean they have "little boy parts". I thought this wouldn't be a huge problem seeings how they are fully clothed, well I was not so lucky. As soon as those kids were alone with the dummies for one second they were all giggling because apparently the shorts had slipped down and the girls had seen the plastic ...ya know "boy parts". Which drives me to ask the question again, why is the adult dummy a head and torso, the baby dummy has it's limbs but no privates, but the six year old sized dummy has to be anatomicly correct. What pervert made those things?!? So our rescue breathing class turned into a quick lesson on boy parts/girl parts. Then the class could begin.

I was really impressed because the kids remembered all the things we talked about the last week. They could tell us exactly what to do if "someone burns your house down" or "if a cop shoots you for no reason". Smart bunch of 9 year olds. Also as it turns out our 9-1-1 lesson went a little too well and two of the kids went home and practiced calling. One little boy said he got a time out and it was all our fault for "making" him do it...

Another funny thing that happened this week was we made them all practice rescue breathing on the dummies, this turned out to be hilarious! First I took out some alcohol pads to clean the mouths and a kid asked what I was doing, when I told him I was using alcohol wipes to clean them he said, "Sweet we get to get drunk today!" --remember 9 years old -- After they were cleaned I showed them how to perform rescue breaths. As soon as I put my mouth on it to give a breath a kid yelled out "Gay, he's kissing him". Well, jokes on him, cause he was next. After a little coaxing all the little terrors took turns learning and practicing, and actually got pretty good at it. I'm pretty confident now that if I get hurt in Glendale one of my 9 year olds can help me out!