Sunday, July 19, 2009

Busy Life in Alaska...

So it's been a while since we have posted because it has been a crazy couple weeks for us up here. Let's recap really quick what's been going on 3000 miles away from home.... The whales are back in our waters, and Brian was able to get some pretty sweet pictures of a couple of them swimming pretty close to the docks.

Also, we were able to go eat dinner at the really fancy restaurant on one of the ships that Brian works with. It was amazing!! Now here in Skagway all our food comes to us on a barge that takes a week to get here from Seattle, so the food is not so fresh. But the food on the ship was amazing, Jenn had a perfect filet mignon, (weird...meat...oh well), and Brian had a 22 oz porterhouse. It was awesome. Then we went on a tour of the ship, including all the areas that the regular passengers don't usually get to go to. Unfortunately Brian forgot that the camera was in his pocket and this is the only picture that we got.

Also, last week we went on a camping trip up the the White Pass Summit. It's this amazing area that you can only get to by being dropped off by the train. So we took the train up and got left out in the tundra with no one around for miles and miles and miles. It was so quiet up there. We spent the day hiking around and exploring the area. We also hiked along the old Trail of '98. This is the trail that was carved out by the thousands of miners who were trying to get to the goldfields. It was really cool because since the late 1890's there haven't been very many people who have been on that trail. That night we pitched out tent in the only flat spot on the whole summit, miles away from civilization.

So yeah it's been a crazy couple of weeks, we could post for pages to talk about it all. We only have about 5 weeks left and then it's back to our winter lives of going to school in SLC. But first, some other cool quick things that happened in the last to weeks were:

We broke in and spent the night in an old caboose....

got a pool since it's been unusually hot this summer...

Went river rafting...

and came to work to find a giant pile of Bear poo waiting for us at the front door.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy 4th of July....

The 4th of July here in Skagway is one of the coolest times of the year. Imagine the smallest town celebration you can, and you have an idea. First we went to the parade, now since our town is so small to make the parade last longer than 20 minutes it goes down the main street, then turns the corner and comes back up the main street. The funniest ting in the parade is a lady from town who looks like Sarah Palan with a sign that says "I QUIT"!
After the parade we watched the little kid foot races, the dunk tank, the spike driving contest and participated in the egg toss. All the while eating "fair-style" food...such as corn dogs, nachos and Philly cheese's. One of the coolest things that we have on the 4th here is the fireworks! There are two towns up in our neck of the woods, there is us and 20 miles across the fjord there is Haines, but only one guy who does fireworks. Since we are way smaller than Haines we have to have our fireworks show on the 3rd. What happens is the whole town heads out to the waterfront and watches the show. this year they shot them off the end of one of the piers, as well as from the tug boat. What's cool about the fireworks is that since it is the middle of summer it never gets dark, so it starts at 11 and is barely dusk out. It was a good old time 4th of July, just the way we like it!